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Summary of the year 2022

Summary of the year 2022

It seemed to us that after more than two years of the COVID pandemic, the situation in the world would return to relative normality. Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine caused by Russia has shown how fragile the foundations of the world order are, and the conflict taking place at the gates of Europe also has a multifaceted impact on the world of science.
SOLARIS News Magazine - second issue

SOLARIS News Magazine - second issue

Christmas Contest #PhotoOfSOLARIS

Christmas Contest #PhotoOfSOLARIS

We cordially invite our supporters, visitors or infrastructure users to participate in the #PhotoOfSOLARIS photo contest. The contest is aimed at the community built around the only synchrotron in Poland. The deadline for submitting photos is 31.12.2022. Attractive prizes await the best work!
Additional funding for students in the Doctoral School of Biomedical Sciences to purchase reagents

Additional funding for students in the Doctoral School of Biomedical Sciences to purchase reagents

Students in the Biomedical Science PhD Programme can apply for funding for their research to purchase reagents under the ID.UJ initiative. The competition, which can win up to PLN 13,000, is open to PhD students who are in their first, second and third year of study. The additional funds are intended to help improve the quality of research.
Two SOLARIS scientists are winners of the MINIATURA 6 grant

Two SOLARIS scientists are winners of the MINIATURA 6 grant

Dr. Anna Mandziak and Dr. Karolina Kosowska have become winners of the sixth edition of the MINIATURA competition, funded by the National Science Center. The first of them will use the grant for preliminary research in the area of optimization of the growth process of gadolinium-doped magnetite thin films. The second researcher will take a month-long internship and further develop the four-polarization method using O-PTIR microscopy.