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PHELIX beamline layout

The light source of the PHELIX beamline is an elliptically polarizing undulator with permanent magnets EPU APPLE II type. Due to the possibility of moving two opposite jaws of the undulator along the electron beam, linear and circular or elliptical polarizations of light are realized (fig. 1).
EPU parameters:

  • Total length of the magnets arrays: 2600 mm
  • Period length: 58 mm
  • Number of periods: 44
  • Minimal gap: 14 mm

 Fig. 1. Diagram showing the method of producing light of different polarization by changing the phase of the undulator.

Fig. 1. Diagram showing the method of producing light of different polarization by changing the phase of the undulator. 

Rys. 2. Strumień fotonów na sekundę emitowany przez źródło dla różnych polaryzacji światła i mierzony przed ostatnim lustrem skupiającym dla siatki dyfrakcyjnej 600 l/mm, otwarcia ruchomych masek 3mm x 3mm, przesłon wyjściowych 50 µm oraz cff = 2.25.

Fig. 2. Photon flux per second emitted by the source for different light polarizations and measured before the last focusing mirror for a diffraction grating of 600 l/mm, opening of the moving masks of 3 mm x 3 mm, exit slits of 50 µm and cff = 2.25. 

The optical system of the PHELIX beamline consists of a collimating mirror (M1), a plane mirror (M2) with three gratings (G1, G2, G3) installed in the monochromator chamber, a focusing switching mirror (M3) and a focusing mirror installed before the end-station (M4) (fig. 3). Table 1 presents the parameters of optical elements of the PHELIX beamline.

Rys. 3. Model przedstawiający układ optyczny linii PHELIX.

Fig. 3. Model showing the optical system of the PHELIX beamline.

Table 1. Parameters of optical elements installed on the PHELIX beamline.










M3 M4
Shape cylinder plane plane plane toroid toroid
Cooling intrinsic side side side side no no
Energy range [eV] full range full range 50 - 300 200 - 1000 400 - 1500 full range full range
Dimensions [mm2] 370x60 470x50 170x30 170x30 170x30 420x60 350x50
Substrate material Si Si Si Si Si Si Si
Coating material Au Au/Pt Au Au Au Au Au
Coating thickness [nm] 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Line density [mm-1] - - 600 800 1200 - -
Profile - - lamellar lamellar lamellar - -


The PGM monochromator has three diffraction gratings installed with different line densities, optimized for different energy ranges.
G1 (600 l/mm): 50 – 300 eV
G2 (800 l/mm): 200 – 1000 eV
G3 (1200 l/mm): 400 – 1500 eV


The beamline is equipped with an ionization cell, which enables to determine the energy resolution of light. Measurements carried out for various gases show that the actual resolution coincides with the predicted one (fig. 4).

Fig.4.Absorption spectra obtained in the ionization cell for Ar 2p3/2 → 4s oraz N21s → π* transitions.


Fig.4.Absorption spectra obtained in the ionization cell for Ar 2p3/2 → 4s oraz N21s → π* transitions.


PHELIX beamline layout