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PEEM end-station in SOLARIS

PEEM end-station in SOLARIS

In July 2015 PEEM-end station was delivered to SOLARIS. It will allow the team to complete the installation of the first beamline of the synchrotron. A photoemission electron microscope will make it possible to conduct research in many fields of study, from physics, chemistry, catalytics to material engineering, and even archaeology.

To do research on this station, the sample in the form of a plate with a thickness of roughly a millimetre must demonstrate at least minimal electrical conductivity – explains Prof. Józef Korecki of the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalytics and Surface Chemistry in Kraków. – A soft radiation X-ray beam from the synchrotron allows us to slowly image the structure of the material surface with a resolution of around several dozen nanometres, or nearly a thousand times smaller than the thickness of a human hair. Additionally, it will be possible to obtain microscopic images with chemical-grade sensitivity and determine the magnetic properties of the investigated systems – he added. 

Each synchrotron is equipped with several beamlines with end-stations. The PEEM end-station is a world-class microscope, considering that only a few dozen of them exist in the entire world, among others in the USA, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Spain.

The station will be mounted on the first beamline at the beginning of September when work has been completed on a special platform where the station will be operated.

The PEEM was purchased by the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry in Krakow as a part of the POIG „SPINLAB" project. The microscope was first tested under laboratory conditions at the Institute of Catalytics, and next in the SLS synchrotron facility in Switzerland. The PEEM has been in operation at the synchrotron for four months and has been used by several dozen groups of researchers from Poland and abroad.

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