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Nanotechnology and synchrotron research in Greece - four conferences at once

Nanotechnology and synchrotron research in Greece - four conferences at once

Nanotexnology 2024 is a combination of four parallel scientific conferences (ISFOE24, NN24, I3D24 and ISSON24), an exhibition space (EXPO) and business events (BUSINESS FORUM). A delegation from the SOLARIS Centre attended the event as part of the LEAPS-INNOV project, introducing participants to the synchrotron's research capabilities and project offerings.

The goal of the involvement in the conference, taking place in Thessaloniki, Greece, between June 29 and July 6, 2024, was to spread the word about the possibility of conducting research at synchrotron facilities, in a community without local access to synchrotron radiation. 
- "The NANOTEXNOLOGY conference makes it possible to explore opportunities for development in fields such as nanotechnology, organic and printed electronics (eng. Organic & Printed Electronics) and nanomedicine. The NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024 venture has enabled the integration of more than 2,000 researchers, scientists, engineers, business, technical and policy professionals to promote research and industrial cooperation, identify priorities and strengthen the innovation ecosystem" - the Organizers said at the conference's opening ceremony. 
During the event, a number of talks were held with representatives of companies and academia from all over the world, including Saudi Arabia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Latvia, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, the United States and the United Kingdom. A precious result of SOLARIS' involvement was the initiation of discussions with representatives of centers without direct access to synchrotron radiation.
- In particular, the meetings with people from the Balkan region were valuable, as they were mostly unaware of the existence of a synchrotron in Poland, and often did not even know that such research centers as synchrotrons exist",said Agnieszka Cudek, the Head of Communications, SOLARIS. 
- "We should lean on strengthening information activities in this region. In particular, through activities aimed at building a culture of using large research infrastructures", Cudek added. 
Participation in the conference consisted of arranging and operating an exhibition booth as part of the EXPO, participation in the Matchmaking Event, a 15-minute speech presenting SOLARIS' offerings as part of the BUSINESS FORUM component, and a presentation of SOLARIS' capabilities in the form of an Invited Speaker as part of the Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN24) conference. Three people participated in the event: Mikolaj Golunski (EXPO, BUSINESS FORUM), Agnieszka Cudek (EXPO, BUSINESS FORUM) and Alexey Maximenko (NN24).
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