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The first photoemission spectra on UARPES beamline

The first photoemission spectra on UARPES beamline

In May 2016, the SOLARIS team, supported by experts from the AGH University of Science and Technology, the Jagiellonian University and the Prevac company, took the first photoemission spectra on UARPES beamline.

Commissioning of UARPES has started at the end of April 2016. Undulator (EPU, quaziperiodic, type Apple II) is set to the linear polarized mode. At a first stage the zero order spot on the phosphorus sample (at the end station) was observed. Then sample were exchanged to Au (111) sample - not cleaned. First tests of DA30L spectrometer with photon beam were performed with monochromatized beam (monochromator in the PGM mode), for electron beam current not bigger then 40mA (energy 1.5 GeV). Photoemission spectra were taken at room temperature, for two photon energies range around 100 eV and 30 eV, what is corresponding to undulator gap 80mm and 50mm, respectively. 
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Project of a new research beamline at SOLARIS as the culmination of cooperation between three countries