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PHELIX beamline commissioning

PHELIX beamline commissioning

The PHELIX beamline has entered the commissioning phase.

The construction of the beamline components began at the end of 2018 with the installation of an undulator (the source of synchrotron radiation), and an optical hutch. The front end was installed at the beginning of 2019. In the following months the remaining devices of the beamline were set up and during the summer 2019 the ultra-high vacuum system of the end-station was assembled. At the end of the year, the SOLARIS team observed first light which marks the new stage for PHELIX. 

Rysunek dostępnych linii badawczych

'Since the first photon beam delivery, the callibration of all beamline components, including X-ray optics, has been being intensively performed,' said the beamline scientist, dr inż. Magdalena Szczepanik-Ciba. 'The first step has already been made: the designed energy resolving power for one of the three diffraction gratings has been achieved.'

An electron energy analyzer and a spin detector will be delivered to SOLARIS in March 2020. It will allow first test measurements to be started. The first research are planned to be carried out by friendly users at the end of 2020.

PHELIX will use soft X-rays. Its end station will enable a wide range of spectroscopic and absorption studies characterized by different surface sensitivity. Besides collecting standard high-resolution spectra, it will allow, e.g. to map the band structure in three dimensions and to detect the spin in three dimensions. PHELIX users will therefore be able to conduct research into new materials, thin layers and multilayers systems, catalysts and biomaterials. They will also have the opportunity to study surface of bulk compounds surface magnetism, spin polarized surface states, and surface chemical reactions.
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