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The extension of the experimental hall has just begun!

The extension of the experimental hall has just begun!

Excavators and dump trucks have appeared in the area surrounding the synchrotron. The construction site facilities are slowly being created. The long-planned expansion of the experimental hall has begun. The extension of the facility is necessary to accommodate the new research infrastructure and to introduce the next key measurement techniques for Polish scientists.

New Space and its Development

Expansion of the experimental hall is one of the milestones in the development of SOLARIS synchrotron. The enlarged building will make it possible, first of all, to potentially install four new beamlines, including SOLCRYS beamline, intended for structural biology research. The SOLCRYS beamline, which is already in an advanced design stage, will allow us, among other things, to analyze the structure of proteins, viruses, nucleic acids, and polymers.

The National Cryo-EM Centre will also find its place in the new part of the hall. So far, two electron microscopes, Titan Krios and Glacios, stand in dedicated laboratories built in the loading dock in the older part of the building. In the new hall, there will be a cryo-EM laboratory with the potential to accommodate up to four microscopes.

The project also includes a sample preparation laboratory, which will be available to all SOLARIS users. It will contain the necessary equipment for sample preparation for the beamlines, as well as for the preparation of grids for Cryo-EM measurements.

The last area that will find its place in the expanded hall is workshop space and new offices for the growing SOLARIS scientific team.

Operation of the synchrotron during the constraction works

During the expansion, the operation of the linac and the storage ring will be shut down for several months. The shutdown time will be used by the accelerator team for maintenance of all subsystems, installation and repair work, including the components’ installation of a new infrared beamline SOLAIR. 

construction site - building extension


In the picture from left to right - Ireneusz Zadworny, Paweł Bulira, Adriana Wawrzyniak, Marek Stankiewicz, Michał Młynarczyk

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