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Festival of Innovations in SOLARIS Centre

Festival of Innovations in SOLARIS Centre

Once again SOLARIS Centre took part in Małopolska Festival of Innovations. The only synchrotron in Poland opened its doors to everyone interested in the IT industry. Michał Fałowski, Control Systems and Software Section Coordinator, talked about the challenges the SOLARIS team faces on a daily basis.

Lecture and a guided tour

The event in the framework of the Festival of Innovations was held on Friday, 24.06.2022. The meeting began with a lecture by Michał Fałowski entitled "Control System of a unique machine on a national scale - how to master the synchrotron”, and then the meeting participants were guided through the experimental hall of the synchrotron.

Control System

The lecture focused on innovative solutions to support highly developed hardware and software components. The key in the work of IT team is contact with scientists in order to adjust and create appropriate technological solutions. At SOLARIS, the team of control system specialists program all devices from scratch, using mainly the TANGO programming language, which bases its repositories on Python. The programmers designed the control system for the heart of the synchrotron - the electron gun.  In addition, we provide special software for beamlines to operate the device servers located there. The IT department faces challenges that are difficult to encounter elsewhere. The network in the SOLARIS Centre was designed in such a way that the latency between some machines does not exceed 0.2ms. In SOLARIS we have ultra-efficient disk arrays with total capacity exceeding 4PB. It is on them that the entire control system works, and the measurement data from users' experiments are stored. Everything runs on 18 physical servers, which are used entirely to create a virtual environment with which we can more effectively develop the hardware potential of the SOLARIS Centre. Finally, as if that wasn't enough, everything is secured with a Central Anti-Virus System, a Central Backup System and our UTMs.

To find out more about the Festival visit Festival website  -

Video gallery

Film promoting the festival (in which the synchrotron also participated):

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