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SOLARIS joins forces with MCN Cogiteon and engages in science popularization

SOLARIS joins forces with MCN Cogiteon and engages in science popularization

The SOLARIS Center is beginning cooperation with the Malopolska Science Center Cogiteon. The main goal is to bring the fascinating world of science closer to the public. The first joint activities take place during this year's Małopolska Researchers Night. Long-term cooperation includes consultation of the Laboratory of Particles and the Innovation Laboratory.

The Malopolska Science Center Cogiteon is an innovative educational facility, currently under construction in Krakow. The facility, which will open next year, is planned to include a permanent exhibition about a theuman body and mind with more than a hundred interactive exhibits, six laboratories (for chemical, physical, biological, technical experiments), a greenhouse to support the laboratory's activities, science labs, and a children's academy. All this is to present knowledge in an original and attractive way.

The newly signed agreement sets out the principles of cooperation. The main goal of the cooperation is to spread the passion for science and also to build awareness of the existence of the synchrotron in Krakow. The wide-ranging cooperation will include not only providing space for workshops but also, above all, substantive consultations with our scientists regarding the emerging Particle Laboratory at Cogiteon. The presence of the SOLARIS Center will be noticeable at the permanent exhibition under construction at the Cogiteon Center, where one of the secret caches will be entirely devoted to the synchrotron.

We already want to invite you to the first joint event. During this year's Malopolska Researchers' Night, on September 30, demonstrations by Cogiteon science popularizers on electromagnetic waves will be held in the SOLARIS conference room. More information will be available soon on the Malopolska Researchers' Night website - 


In the photo: Director of SOLARIS NSRC Prof. Marek Stankiewicz and Director of MCN Cogiteon Piotr Szymański (photo by Joanna Kowalik)

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