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Workshops, scientific demonstrations, meetings with researchers - the Malopolska Reserachers Night at the synchrotron SOLARIS!

Workshops, scientific demonstrations, meetings with researchers - the Malopolska Reserachers Night at the synchrotron SOLARIS!

We cordially invite you to the next edition of the iconic event Malopolska Night of Scientists, which will take place on September 30th. On this day, the doors of the only synchrotron in Poland will be wide open to visitors. See the program below and visit us on the last Friday of September.

30th of September 2022 (Friday)

Workshops, demonstrations, eye-to-eye meetings with scientists who work at the synchrotron every day - all this and more, is scheduled for this year's program. If you've always wanted to see the synchrotron, understand how it works, and learn interesting facts about the construction of this incredibly precise machine, visit us on Researchers Night! 

Registration for the events starts on the 22nd of September on the website of the Malopolska Reserachers Night:

We also invite you without registration to meetings with scientists and demonstrations of experiments. 

A detailed description of the events of the Małopolska Night of Scientists at the SOLARIS Synchrotron can be found below. 

(All activities are in Polish)

What is SYNCHROTRON? Discover the largest research infrastructure in the country

Type: Guided tour

Event Description:  What is a synchrotron and why should every Cracovian be proud that we have one right here in our city? Can synchrotron light be used to study works of art, photovoltaic panels, batteries, the structure of viruses, or bone remains? What groundbreaking research is being conducted at the center?  The synchrotron is a unique place - a little sun on earth - where electrons accelerated to near the speed of light circulate in a ring and emit synchrotron radiation. What such radiation is used for, how the electron gun and the synchrotron building are constructed - our specialists will tell you all about it. Visit our experimental hall, see the largest research machine in Poland and see our unique electron cryomicroscopes.

Age group: from 8 years (tour in groups of 20)

Registration: YES

No waves? There are waves!

Type: Demonstrations, experiments 

Event description: What is the difference between heat and light? Have you wondered how the green color of plants is connected to ultraviolet light? Are you curious about the waves that surround us? We will show you the invisible to the eyes and play hide and seek! Join us for a fascinating trip of the imagination across the electromagnetic spectrum. These highly engaging shows are also aimed at younger children (ages 8 and up). The shows are organized by the Malopolska Science Center COGITEON. 

Age group: 8-11 years old, 12-15 years old, older teens 16+ and adults 

Registration: YES (groups of 30) 

Hours: 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 

Microwaves in the light factory: from the microwave to the synchrotron

Type: Scientific workshops

Event Description: Come to our light factory to learn more about everyday devices such as the microwave and radio. Our specialists will present several experiments related to radio waves (including microwaves) and explain the principle of their operation. Plasma in a microwave, Tesla coil or polarization of a radio wave - after this class such concepts will no longer be foreign to you. The workshop will be held in small groups so that everyone can touch or perform the experience themselves. There will be prizes for the most committed.

Age group: 12 - 15 years old, older teens 16+ and adults 

Registration: YES (groups of 30 people) 

Hours: 17:30, 18:30, 19:30

Eye to eye with science at the synchrotron

Type: Demonstrations, experiments with scientists

Event Description: What if you could build your own camera and then take a picture with it? Or see a crystal built from a protein? Join us for demonstrations of scientific experiments in a synchrotron setting. Scientists working at the synchrotron on a daily basis have prepared a series of fascinating experiments to better understand the basics of the operation and application of the particle gas pedal (gas pedal). You will be able to peek and talk about the water tornado, levitation, magnetic fields, as well as measure a sample with a laser microscope. There is no need to register for the event. All ages are welcome!

Age group: no restrictions

Registration: NO

Hours: from 16:30 to 21:00

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