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Member of the CIRI beamline team with a Ministerial Fellowship for Young Scientists.

Member of the CIRI beamline team with a Ministerial Fellowship for Young Scientists.

The Minister of Education and Science has awarded scholarships to outstanding young scientists. Honors were awarded to 230 people from all over Poland, including Paulina Kozioł - supervisor of the CIRI research infrastructure.

The Minister's scholarships are awarded annually to young scientists demonstrating significant achievements in scientific activity. A total of 1,828 applications were submitted in this year's competition. The Minister awarded scholarships to 230 young scientists representing 51 scientific and artistic disciplines, including 37 doctoral students.

A scientist from SOLARIS and a doctoral student in Biophysics at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University, Paulina Kozioł, was recognized by the committee assessing the scholarship applications. Paulina started her scientific work under the supervision of Dr. Tomasz Wróbel, initially focusing on the development of histopathological models for cancer lesion detection based on infrared spectroscopic imaging and machine learning. In addition, she has worked extensively on optimizing data preprocessing methods to improve signal quality and classification performance. Her research has resulted in a series of publications on de-noising optimization for FT-IR and QCL imaging. Her current research interests lean towards the use of polarised infrared light to determine the orientation and ordering level of macromolecules, particularly in fibrous tissue, which may play a key role in tumor microenvironment.

Paulina Kozioł is also the recipient of several awards, including a START grant from the FNP and an Ivanova Fellowship funded by NAWA. In her work at SOLARIS, she is involved in the construction of the emerging CIRI beamline.

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Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Visited the SOLARIS Center

Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Visited the SOLARIS Center

Project of a new research beamline at SOLARIS as the culmination of cooperation between three countries

Project of a new research beamline at SOLARIS as the culmination of cooperation between three countries