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X-ray mirrors from the Swiss Light Source

X-ray mirrors from the Swiss Light Source

The synchrotron Swiss Light Source (SLS) at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland is undergoing an upgrade to the ultra-bright source SLS2.0.One of its consequences is the replacement of optical elements in a few beamlines. As part of the collaboration between the institutes, SLS has decided to donate three disassembled X-ray mirrors to the SOLARIS Centre.


The mirrors come from two  beamlines operating in the hard X-ray range. The cylindrical collimating mirror from the SuperXAS  will be used on the PolyX beamline to increase the performance in experiments with a focused beam using polycapillary optics, as well as to maximize the energy resolution capability of the double crystal monochromator in spectroscopic experiments. The institutes have signed a bilateral agreement under which the SOLARIS Centre will supply polycapillary optical elements to SLS in exchange for the donated mirror.
The other two mirrors, a cylindrical collimating mirror and a toroidal focusing mirror, come from the PX-III beamline and can be used in one of the future  beamlines at SOLARIS.

The transport of the mirrors, which are very precise and sensitive devices, was extremely demanding and had to be organized in a way to ensure maximum protection against vibrations during transportation. The mirror systems had to be secured in chambers and vibration-absorbing pads were used to prevent the installed shock sensors from triggering.

The action on the part of the Swiss Light Source was coordinated by Dr. Benedikt Rösner, responsible for the optical system project on the research lines in the SLS2.0 synchrotron, while from the SOLARIS Centre by Dr. Katarzyna Sowa and Dr. Eng. Tomasz Kołodziej POLYX beamline scientists.

Thanks to this collaboration and the donation of X-ray mirrors, the SOLARIS Centre will be able to take advantage of new research opportunities and improve their experiments.


Transport zwierciadeł


Transport zwierciadeł


Transport zwierciadeł


Transport zwierciadeł


Transport zwierciadeł


Photos: Joanna Kowalik, Katarzyna Sowa, Tomasz Kołodziej

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