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Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Visited the SOLARIS Center

Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Visited the SOLARIS Center

Professor Maria Mrówczyńska, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, visited Krakow, where on July 4th, during a series of meetings, she met with the Rector of the Jagiellonian University and the management of the SOLARIS Center. The visit aimed to discuss key issues related to the development of science and higher education in Poland, as well as to become familiar with the activities of the country's only synchrotron infrastructure.

The delegation was led by Professor Maria Mrówczyńska, who at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is responsible for innovation, development, university organization, education, and student affairs. She was accompanied by Dr. Eng. Michał Doligalski, Director of the Department of Innovation and Development (DIR), Michał Goszczyński, Deputy Director of DIR, Michał Rybiński, Head of the DIR Strategic Research Infrastructure Department (WSIB DIR), and Michał Jabczuga, Senior Specialist at WSIB DIR. Discussions included topics such as university development strategy, research funding, and support for students and academic staff.

In addition to a meeting between the Minister and His Magnificence, the Rector-Elect, Professor Piotr Jedynak, a key point of the program was a visit to the National Synchrotron Radiation Center SOLARIS. The host of this meeting was Dr. Jakub Szlachetko, Prof. JU, Director of NCPS SOLARIS, accompanied by the center's management.

- Together with the Minister, we discussed the most crucial issues for the development of the National SOLARIS Center, as well as areas of scientific cooperation and diplomacy where we can support the Ministry. We must remember that we bear the responsibility of running one of the most advanced infrastructures in this part of the world. SOLARIS is a key place on the map of Europe in terms of international scientific cooperation and the implementation of advanced research projects. Ensuring the unwavering trust granted to us by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is an incredibly important task for the entire SOLARIS team - said Dr. Jakub Szlachetko,Prof. JU Director of NCPS SOLARIS.

Topics of discussions included the potential of the National SOLARIS Center to support the Ministry in preparing development policies for research infrastructure, reducing atomization levels, efficient utilization of equipment, and increasing internationalization levels.

Possibilities of the Center in developing international cooperation and during Poland's EU Presidency were discussed. Actions focused on international cooperation at the local level (Baltic countries, Ukraine, V4 countries), wider European cooperation (e.g., the Weimar Triangle), and intercontinental cooperation (mainly America) were presented.

Among the range of topics was also the strategic evaluation of the financing formula for SOLARIS activities and the work schedule to ensure its continuity after December 31, 2025. The presentation emphasized key aspects of financial stability, essential for sustainable scientific and technological progress.

Professor Maria Mrówczyńska's visit to the Jagiellonian University and SOLARIS was an opportunity for exchange of experiences, discussion of current challenges, and strengthening cooperation between scientific institutions and government administration. The importance of innovation and modern research infrastructure for the development of Polish science and its position on the international stage was highlighted.


Ministry of Science and Higher Education at SOLARIS Centre


Ministry of Science and Higher Education at SOLARIS Centre


Author: Agnieszka Cudek
Photos: Joanna Kowalik


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