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Algorithm for Mie-type Scattering Correction of IR radiation for cylindrical samples

Algorithm for Mie-type Scattering Correction of IR radiation for cylindrical samples

Researchers from the CIRI beamline have published an algorithm for correcting artifacts related to Mie-type scattering for cylindrical samples, e.g. fibers. Samples with cylindrical domains are currently widely explored, especially with polarized infrared (IR) spectroscopy. Therefore, the new algorithm, aside from unpolarized light case, can also be utilized in experiments with polarized radiation.



EMSC (Extended Multiplicative Signal Correction) type algorithms are widely used for correcting Mie scattering of radiation in IR spectroscopic measurements of spherical samples. However, the development of orientation determination methods based on polarized IR radiation, primarily focused on samples with cylindrical domains, has highlighted the need to adapt these algorithms for such sample geometries. Consequently, researchers from the CIRI beamline implemented an algorithm that was previously available only in theory and extended it to correct scattering for linearly polarized light. Additionally, the algorithm utilizes graphics processing units (GPUs), which significantly expands its applicability by improving computational time scales. The implementation of the algorithm in MATLAB software is available under open access.

Rysunek 1. Widma IR włókna polimeru PCL, przed i po zastosowaniu korekty rozpraszania typu Mie.



Figure 1. IR spectra of PCL polymer fibers, before and after applying Mie-type scattering correction for cylindrical samples.



Written by: Paulina Kozioł

Link to the publication: P. Kozioł, K. Kosowska, P. Korecki,T. P. Wróbel, Scattering correction for samples with cylindrical domains measured with polarized infrared spectroscopy, Analytica Chimica Acta, 1278, 341722(2023) doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2023.341722

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