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The third beamline in the SOLARIS synchrotron

The third beamline in the SOLARIS synchrotron

In February 2016, components of the third beamline were delivered to the SOLARIS synchrotron. The beamline previously operated at the MaxLab research centre in Lund (Sweden). It was dismantled and transported to Kraków by SOLARIS team members and representatives of several other Polish research centres.

The beamline is now being prepared for installation. The SOLARIS centre is searching for a beamline coordinator, as well. 

The beamline was a soft X-ray beamline, covering the energy range of 200 to 2000 eV. The source was an elliptically polarizing undulator, providing linearly and circularly polarized radiation. This made magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) in absorption possible, in addition to photo absorption using linearly polarized light. 

The endstations were mounted directly after the exit slit. One experimental station provided an omnidirectional vector field, intended for XMCD in the electron yield mode and soft X-ray scattering experiments for ex-situ samples. The second endstation was a UHV system with one preparation chamber equipped with a sputter gun, LEED, and auxiliary ports for user supplied equipment, for example evaporators.

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