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Cryo-EM microscope at SOLARIS

Cryo-EM microscope at SOLARIS

The innovative technique of cryo-electron microscopy has just come to the Solaris Center. The parts for the construction of a highest-class electron microscope have been delivered just before Christmas.

It will be the first such microscope in Poland.  The microscope will be a part of the National cryo-EM Center established at Solaris. The installation, calibration and optimization of the microscope will take several months, but it is expected to make the microscope already available to the first users next year.

Just to remember: The funding of the project by the Polish ministry will be a part of the implementation of the tasks in the frame of CERIC. The creation of the National Centre of Electron Cryomicroscopy at SOLARIS will expand the CERIC research offer by providing access to the Cryo-EM technique, which is among the most important methodologies in modern research.

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