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48th Congress of Polish Physicists - major research infrastructures and popularisation of science.

48th Congress of Polish Physicists - major research infrastructures and popularisation of science.

Gdansk University of Technology has become the host of the 48th Congress of Polish Physicists, hosting 450 world-class scientists, specialists, teachers and enthusiasts in the field. A number of scientific sessions, a discussion panel on the condition of teaching physics in Polish schools, presentations and lectures for school youth, as well as good practice bazaar for teachers – these are only some of the events in the rich program.

The event, which took place in Gdansk, attracted more than 450 participants, including scientists, both well-established in the community and young physicists, as well as teachers of the subject and their students. The congress included eight two-hour plenary sessions, nine two-hour parallel sessions, an open lecture, a poster session, the PTF delegates' meeting, a panel discussion on 'The condition of physics teaching in Polish schools - opportunities and risks', physics demonstrations, a good practice bazaar for teachers and lectures and experimental demonstrations for schoolchildren.
Participants were taken on a journey through the wonderful world of quanta by Anton Zeilinger, Nobel Prize winner in physics, who gave an online lecture broadcast live during the first session of the conference.
The management of the SOLARIS Centre chaired the session on research infrastructures. This included Dr Jakub Szlachetko, Prof. of the Jagiellonian University, talking about the centre's research capabilities, Naďa Witzanyová introducing the laser research infrastructure on the example of ELI CERIC, and Dr Ryszard Sobierajski presenting X-ray free-electron lasers (XFEL).

SOLARIS has also become known as an entity that is beginning to take an active role in popularising science in Poland. The Centre, understanding its potential in this area, announced a new area of its activities during the Good Practice Bazaar - the possibility of visiting the Centre as part of the so-called "Knowledge Path". "The Knowledge Path of the SOLARIS Centre", based on a professional guided tour scenario and using a variety of (including multimedia) tools, is an excellent form of popularising different fields of science and complementing the didactic process at all levels of education. It gives visitors access to advanced technologies, educates in science, inspires future and current scientists, connects the fields of theoretical sciences with reality, and arouses curiosity and interest in scientific research. Its aim is to familiarise visitors with the centre's subject matter, to explain the key physical phenomena and key research results, and to instil an attitude characterised by the paramount role of science in the process of global civilisational development. With its profile, the 'Path of Knowledge' differs from the science centres operating in Poland. The aim is to unleash the potential arising from the observation of the largest research tool in the country.
The Congress of Polish Physicists is the oldest cyclical conference integrating the community of Polish physicists. It was first organised a hundred years ago, in April 1923 in Warsaw. The aim of the ZFP is to promote physics, highlighting the scientific and didactic achievements in this field to date. As part of the popularisation of physics, the congress organisers held a number of competitions to encourage representatives of the younger generation to play with this field of science. 

The event, which took place on 1-7 September, was organised by the Gdansk Branch of the Polish Physical Society, the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics of the Gdansk University of Technology and the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of the University of Gdansk. The 48th Congress of Polish Physicists was held under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk, the Daniel Fahrenheit University Association (FarU), the Rector of the Technical University of Gdańsk, the Rector of the University of Gdańsk and the Pomeranian Superintendent of Education.

Zdjęcie grupowe 48. Zjazdu Fizyków Polskich

Zdjęcie grupowe uczestników 48.Zjazdu Fizyków Polskich w Gdańsku.

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