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The Małopolska Researchers' Night - the land of light at SOLARIS Centre.

The Małopolska Researchers' Night - the land of light at SOLARIS Centre.

This year's edition of the Małopolska Researchers' Night attracted a record number of participants to the Centre. The SOLARIS team offered a total of over 1,200 individual activities. Workshops, demonstrations, experiments and meetings with scientists attracted exceptional interest among the crowds of visitors.

The tradition of organising the Małopolska Researchers' Night is slowly becoming a part of the SOLARIS Centre. This flagship Małopolska event, which has become a permanent feature in the calendar of popular science events over the years, attracts more and more participants every year. That was also the case this time. 
On the last Friday of September, SOLARIS opened its doors wide to welcome the inhabitants not only of Krakow, but of the entire Malopolska Region. Among the activities on offer were two types of workshops attended by nearly 200 people. The first, devoted to radio waves, was conducted by employees of the Centre's RF section. At it, they introduced the principles of everyday devices and explained the concepts of plasma, Tesla coil and wave polarisation. The second workshop was prepared for us by the Tarnów science centre, the Passage of Discoveries. Its specialists talked about ultraviolet and infrared, photons and electromagnetic waves. Participants in the Małopolska Researchers' Night at SOLARIS also had the opportunity to tour the synchrotron's experimental hall. Our guides, in the course of 10 tour groups, guided over 300 guests.
The most curious visitors were treated to demonstrations of scientific experiments prepared by our scientists in the exhibition hall located near the cryomicroscopes. There were 11 stands with a variety of experiments, ranging from experiments visualising a magnetic field, through demonstrations with liquid nitrogen, protein crystallisation to experiments involving the creation of water tornadoes, the phenomenon of levitation or magnetic fields. In addition, participants were able to measure a pattern with micrometre precision and play a round of 'retro' games on one of the retro computers. In total, more than 700 people took advantage of this activity.

Małopolska Night of Scientists in 2023 means a total of 40 partners, 53 000 activities and hundreds of smiling faces of the youngest participants in this one night a year. Thank you to everyone who visited the Land of Light at the SOLARIS Centre this year.

Zdjęcie z przebiegu Małopolskiej Nocy Naukowców 2023

Zdjęcie z przebiegu Małopolskiej Nocy Naukowców 2023

Zdjęcie z przebiegu Małopolskiej Nocy Naukowców 2023

Zdjęcie z przebiegu Małopolskiej Nocy Naukowców 2023

Photo by Vladimir Gorokh 

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