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Agro&Food scientyfic meeting at the SOLARIS Centre

Agro&Food scientyfic meeting at the SOLARIS Centre

SOLARIS Center hosted a hybrid meeting of scientists from all over Poland engaged in research in the field of agriculture and food production. It was attended by representatives of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, the University of Rzeszów, the Institute of Plant Physiology PAS, the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS, the Institute of Plant Genetics PAS, the Poznan University of Life Science, the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.


Scientists discussed the possibilities of using the huge potential of synchrotron light research techniques at the Solaris Center in agricultural and biological sciences. This first meeting, which took place on September 25, 2023, initiated planned further, constructive cooperation aimed at the practical implementation of synchrotron research in the fields of life science, in particular related to broadly understood food production and green biotechnology.

- Our goal was to bring together scientists involved in life science research on currently priority topics related to sustainable development. The SOLARIS Center has created a space enabling, firstly, the invited scientists to get to know each other and discuss research topics, and, on the other hand, to present our infrastructure and the possibilities of our beamlines. We would like the SOLARIS Center to become a place that connects scientists from all over Poland and provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary dialogue and the implementation of joint complementary research projects, says Dr. Alexey Maximenko, ASTRA  beamline supervisor.

- The list of invited guests was not accidental. We talked about currently important issues relating to the bioeconomy, especially agriculture, biotechnology and food production. We all understand that nowadays innovative research should be interdisciplinary, which requires meetings and exchange of individual observations and experiences. This allows us to find common denominators that can solve the problems of broadly understood agriculture in the future. The meeting was an excellent start for further cooperation, says Associate Prof. Anna Gorczyca from the University of Agriculture in Krakow.

Rysunek 1. Uczestnicy spotkania naukowego  Agro&Food

Photo 1. Participants of the scientific meeting Agro&Food.

Author: Natalia Zapart

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