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Infrared Nanoscopy Workshop at the SOLARIS Center

Infrared Nanoscopy Workshop at the SOLARIS Center

Scientists from the CIRI beamline at the SOLARIS Center, together with Attocube system AG and COMEF, were the organizers of the Infrared Nanoscopy Workshop on Biological and Polymer Nanomaterials, which takes place on April 24-26, 2024 at the Solaris Center and in the Auditorium of the Jagiellonian Innovation Center. The event, which took place on-site, gathered over a hundred participants who had the opportunity to take part in lectures, porter session and test measurements.

The lecture part concerned infrared nanoimaging and nanospectroscopy using techniques combining atomic force microscopy (AFM) with infrared absorption spectroscopy (IR), i.e. s-SNOM, nano-FTIR and AFM-IR techniques. These techniques allow the analysis of the chemical composition of very thin samples with nanometric spatial resolution. Lectures conducted by leading experts in the field of infrared nanospectroscopy provided participants with the basics of the above-mentioned techniques and their selected applications in the study of biological and polymer samples.
Workshop participants also had the opportunity to perform free test measurements of their samples using the neaSCOPE spectrometer. The samples were protein and DNA fibrils, modified polymers and biopolymers in the form of ultrathin films or fibers, polymer brushes, nanoparticles with a modified surface and many others.

A poster session was held in the new part of the SOLARIS Center's experimental hall, with 20 posters taking part. According to the competition committee, the best one belonged to Mr. Michał Wyszkiel from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

The organizers also provided their guests with the opportunity to visit the SOLARIS Center and present its research capabilities.

Zdjęcia z konferencji linii badawczej CIRI


Zdjęcia z konferencji linii badawczej CIRI


Zdjęcia z konferencji linii badawczej CIRI


Authors of the photographs: Paula Kasprzyk, Karolina Kosowska, Honorata Oleś

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