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Celebrate’s 20th Anniversary in 2024

Celebrate’s 20th Anniversary in 2024 is the home for the global light source community. Formed in 2004, this international group of light source communicators developed the website as a single platform for news, events, career opportunities, beamtime proposal deadlines and other relevant, timely and interesting information for anyone with a passion for the world’s light sources: ‘One voice for the brightest science’.

The collaboration launched with 16 members and the first in-person meeting was held at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) in Illinois, in May 2004. Membership has grown over the years and now stands at 25 members representing 23 synchrotrons and 7 free electron lasers. Diamond Light Source, the UK’s national synchrotron, provides in-kind support in key areas such as web support and development, administration of the finances, and event management. 

Sandra Ribeiro, Communications Advisor at the Canadian Light Source, has been involved with since its inception and is the current Chair. Sandra explains, “Supporting the light source community is a wonderful honour and we are delighted that our membership continues to grow as new facilities become operational. As a group of science communicators, our goal is to promote light sources and foster a global community. We hope future generations of scientists and technical experts will be excited to engage with for its global reach and resources for career opportunities." 

This celebration is just one of several special activities being planned for 2024. will also be present at the 15th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI2024) in Hamburg, Germany (26th – 30th August 2024), to network with and support those pursuing a technical career. A key goal of the collaboration is to inspire early career STEM professionals, provide opportunities for them to learn from experienced peers and develop their science communication skills.
In the Autumn, will return to the APS for its annual in-person meeting. A special event is being planned to mark the 20th Anniversary and launch a new 10-year Vision and Strategy aimed at ensuring the collaboration continues to meet the needs of its members and the growing global light source community.

Written by: Silvana Westbury

Find out more about here.

Zdjęcie 1. Członkowie uczestniczący w spotkaniu w 2006 r. zorganizowanym przez Advanced Photon Source (APS) w Illinois, USA.

1. Members attending the 2006 in-person meeting hosted by the Advanced Photon Source (APS) in Illinois, USA

Zdjęcie 2. Członkowie uczestniczący w spotkaniu w 2023 r. zorganizowanym przez Europejski Ośrodek Promieniowania Synchrotronowego (ESRF) w Grenoble we Francji.

2. Members attending the Autumn 2023 in-person meeting hosted by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France


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