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Отображение сетевого контента Отображение сетевого контента

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Отображение сетевого контента Отображение сетевого контента

LEAPS meets Quantum Technology Conference

LEAPS meets Quantum Technology Conference

LEAPS meets Quantum Technology – Conference

The first of a series of conferences bringing together LEAPS and a Science community, starting with the latest developments in quantum technologies, and identify opportunities for both sides. The conference will give impulses for further development of instrumentation and methods. Since different fields are brought together, an important part of the conference will be tutorial sessions as well as networking opportunities such as moderated round-table discussions. The selected audience of this meeting will profit from quantum technology experts meeting the light source community in an open atmosphere at the spectacular setting of the Elba Island in central Italy.
Chair of the Conference: LEAPS Chair 2022 Leonid Rivkin, PSI
Chairs of the Scientific Committee: Oliver Rader, HZB, Sakura Pascarelli, EuXFEL, Klaus Attenkofer, ALBA Cells

Registration and more information on conference webpage.

Файлы для скачивания
Flyer LEAPS Conference
Ulotka konferencji Leaps

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