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Summary of the results of the ninth call for aproposals.

Summary of the results of the ninth call for aproposals.

On April 5, the ninth call for applications to the SOLARIS Center ended. Users who will be granted beamtime will be able to carry out their research as early as in the fall.

The International Assessment Commission will have the opportunity to analyze a record number of applications, submitted for five research lines and a Cryo-EM. The applications will be analyzed by external experts in terms of formalities, sample safety and the merits of the planned research work.

In the ninth call for proposals for research time on the SOLARIS Centre, 114 applications were submitted, which is a significant increase in the number of research groups interested in measurements compared to the previous call, i.e. by as much as 67%.
For the first time in the competition procedure, the SOLABS beamline, dedicated to X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), was made available. 19 applications were submitted for the research time on this beamline. The research beamlines XAS, UARPES, PHELIX, DEMETER and the Cryo-EM were the subject of 18, 15, 12, 20 and 30 conclusions, respectively.
Decisions regarding the allocation of beamtime on the lines should be expected at the turn of May and June, while on the Cryo-EM: June and July.
Research groups will be able to carry out their experiments using the SOLARIS infrastructure from October 2022 to February 2023.

We remind you that it is possible to submit an application for the so-called "Rapid access" to beamlines. This mode makes it possible to check whether the planned experiment has a chance to be realized in a regular call for proposals or whether there is a need to conduct research quickly due to the potentially high scientific value.

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