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Academic visits

MSc. Wiktor Kotlarz
phone: +48 12 664 41 85

School visits

MSc. Natalia Zapart
phone: +48 12 664 41 38; +48 453 689 818

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Virtual tour

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SOLARIS Visitors Centre

The SOLARIS, being the largest research facility in Poland, has great potential for popularizing science. With its advanced technology and research capabilities, the Center can attract public attention and present scientific discoveries in an accessible way.
The strengths of the SOLARIS on the level of science popularization are: 
  • Possibility of observing advanced experiments - arouses interest in science.
  • Demonstration of practical applications of synchrotron research - shows how science affects the everyday life of each of us.
  • Interaction with scientists and the results of their work - inspires young people to take the path of a scientific career.
  • Visual education - simplifies concepts that are difficult to understand.
The SOLARIS, understanding its potential to popularize science, organized free-of-charge group tours around the Centre. The guided tour of SOLARIS is based on a professional scenario using a variety of (including multimedia) tools. It is an excellent form of popularizing various fields of science and complementing the didactic process at all levels of education. It gives visitors access to advanced technologies, educates in science, inspires future and current scientists, connects the fields of theoretical sciences with reality, and awakens curiosity and interest in scientific research. A visit to the Centre provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the center's subject matter, to explain the key physical phenomena and the most important research results. The goal of visiting SOLARIS is to unleash the potential resulting from observing the country's largest research tool.
Organized groups of young people, students and adults can visit SOLARIS Centre free-of-charge, throughout the year, but prior appointment is necessary.

SOLARIS Visitors Centre Path design

The figure shows a schematic of the SOLARIS Visitors Centre Path design.

The SOLARIS Centre also welcomes individual guests during the annual open days, as well as regular Krakow’s city events (e.g. Scientists' Nights). The participants can not only visit the SOLARIS synchrotron experimental hall but also take part in numerous attractions prepared by the SOLARIS team on this occasion. In previous years, there were organized workshops for children, science and technology family competitions, and film screenings.

Thank you for your interest in visiting the SOLARIS Centre. Please note that visits to the SOLARIS Centre are possible only after prior appointment. In order to arrange a visit, please contact us.

The time and programme of the tour depends on the age group of the visitors, the working condition of the machine and the form of the tour (Audio guides or Guide). The average tour time is 1 - 2 hours. NCPS SOLARIS reserves the exclusive right to select the path of the tour and its form to suit the group of visitors.

Prior to the visit, it is necessary for the trip organiser to read the Rules for Visitors and provide the SOLARIS Centre with a list of visitors (on the day of the visit at the latest).

Download files
The Rules for Visitors to the SOLARIS Centre
Booklet_Explore the world of science with SOLARIS Centre