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Contact for industry

Dr. Mikołaj Gołuński
Industry Liaison Officer
phone: +48 12 664 41 93; +48 506 006 774

Dr. Piotr Ciochoń (longer absences)
Industry Liaison Officer
phone: +48 12 664 41 93; +48 506 006 774

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Basic information

Welcome to the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre! Our interdisciplinary team of industry-oriented scientists is ready to support your business.We provide access to a wide variety of research techniques, which can be used to solve specific technological challenges and to develop new, innovative products in various areas.

In this section you will find information about the synchrotron radiation, which industry sectors can benefit from applying it to their R&D activities, how to access the research facilities available at SOLAIRS and which access modes are available.

Detailed information can be found in the following sub-sections:

About SOLARIS Centre

SOLARIS Centre is a research facility, which operates the first and only synchrotron light source in the CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) region. A synchrotron is a large device, which accelerates electrons to almost the speed of light and keeps them enclosed in a circular orbit (in the so called storage ring) with the diameter of almost 100m. When the direction of motion of the enclosed electrons is changed, using various insertion devices, such as bending magnets, wigglers, or undulators, they produce electromagnetic, synchrotron radiation, which is then used by our scientists to study the properties of matter.

Synchrotron radiation has many unique properties, enabling our scientists to conduct experiments, which would be impossible to conduct in other laboratories. Its intensity is tens of millions times stronger then the intensity offered by the conventional sources and its frequency is tunable. This means that the experimental results are available much faster, they have better quality and a variety of different techniques, utilizing different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, can be used for the advanced experiments.

The SOLARIS synchrotron is one of the most advanced research facilities in Europe and is used by the world-class scientists. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s inaccessible for businesses struggling with very specific technological problems. Our scientists are experienced in industrial research and ready to engage in the technological projects and experiments. We offer a wide range of access modes, ranging from granting access to our research infrastructure for the external researchers, to the full service encompassing all steps of the industrial research project. The access to the synchrotron is surprisingly inexpensive and there are many options for obtaining external funding for the research.

We invite you to contact the Industry Liaison Office (, should you have any questions not answered in this section. After getting basic information about your business and technological needs, our industrial scientists will analyze the problem, free of charge, and create the roadmap of solving it with the use of synchrotron radiation.

schemat linii

Existing and planned beamlines at the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre.