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New call for proposals in spring 2024

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After the experiment

Post-experiment Report

  • Experiment Report must be submitted no later than 3 months (for the regular proposals) and 6 weeks (for the fast track proposals) after the end of the experiment.
  • The form is to be filled in by all users or groups of users who received the beam time for measurements at the SOLARIS.  
  • To prepare the Report, please use the TEMPLATE.
  • The Report should be submitted electronically via the SOLARIS User Network (SUN).
  • The Report can be done only by Main Proposer.
  • The Report should not exceed 3 pages.
The application for a new project, or the continuation of a project for which you have previously been allocated beam time, requires submission a report on each of your previous measurement(s).
The Review Committees reserve the right to reject the new proposals from groups who have not reported on the use of beam time allocated previously on time.
Instructions for preparing your Report:
  • fill in a separate form for each project or series of measurements;
  • type your Report in English;
  • include the experiment number to which the Report refers;
  • make sure that the text, tables, and figures do not excced 3 pages.
All reports are classed as confidential and will only be made available to the local contact, the Directors, the Peer Review Panel and the Communications team.
SOLARIS understands that not all details of the analysis can be included in a report requested so soon after an experiment run but please be as complete as possible.

Published papers

The User shall be obliged to publish the results of his/her research performed at National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS and inform the User Office about this fact.
Any publication resulting from a SOLARIS beamtime project should include the beamline local contact or experiment supporters (also SOLARIS partner representatives) as co-author. Regardless of whether employees of the research line / microscope are co-authors of the publication, its authors are obliged to include the following annotation:
a. In Polish:
„Publikacja częściowo powstała w ramach przedsięwzięcia Ministra Edukacji i Nauki „Wsparcie prowadzenia badań naukowych i prac rozwojowych z wykorzystaniem infrastruktury badawczej Narodowego Centrum Promieniowania Synchrotronowego SOLARIS” na podstawie umowy nr 1/SOL/2021/2. Prezentowane w niej badania zostały wykonane w Centrum SOLARIS na linii badawczej [xxxx]/kriomikroskopie elektronowym. Chcielibyśmy podziękować XYZ za wsparcie.” 
b. In English:
“This publication was partially developed under the provision of the Polish Ministry and Higher Education project "Support for research and development with the use of research infra-structure of the National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS” under contract no 1/SOL/2021/2. We acknowledge SOLARIS Centre for the access to the [xxxx] beamline/cryogenic electron microscope, where the measurements were performer. We would like to thank XYZ for assistance.” 
c. If the SOLARIS members of the beamline/cryo-em Team are co-authors of the publication, the last sentence of the above statement can be omitted.


Should you wish to make more general comments on the experiment, please note them on the User Evaluation Form (the link to the survey is sent by the User's Office each time after the end of the experiment).
Completing the survey will not take you more than 5 minutes and thanks to your answers, we will be able to refine our services.