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SMAUG - under construction

SMAUG beamline (Small Angle X-ray Scattering) will be the bending magnet based beamline that will use the hard X-rays in the range of 6 to 14 keV.

The planned research capabilities of the end station will offer measurement capabilities in the following techniques: bioSAXS (studies of biological systems in solutions), SEC-SAXS (combined SAXS studies with simultaneous chromatographic separation), SAXS static measurements (including tests at low and high temperatures, magnetic or electric field) and SAXS liquid measurements at high pressures.

Beamline parameters

Parameter Value
Source Bending magnet
Available energy range 6-14 keV
Beamline Energy Resolution ~ 1.5 x 10^-4 (DCM)
Beam size at sample (H x V) 200 x 200 µm
Photon flux at sample  5-6 x 10^10 ph/s (DCM), 1 x 10^12 ph/s (DMM)
End station SAXS
Beamline Energy Range 6-15 keV
Spot Size On Sample Vert 200 µm
Divergence Hor 160 µrad
Divergence Vert 80 µrad