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Contact for industry

Dr. Mikołaj Gołuński
Industry Liaison Officer
phone: +48 12 664 41 93; +48 506 006 774

Dr. Piotr Ciochoń (longer absences)
Industry Liaison Officer
phone: +48 12 664 41 93; +48 506 006 774

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Available techniques

Our offer for the industrial users is based on the research techniques available at five beamlines: URANOS, PIRX, PHELIX, ASTRA and DEMETER and at the cryoEM facility. 

Available techniques are divided into three main categories: spectroscopic, diffraction and microscopic.

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Spectroscopic methods

Ikona promieniowania rentgenowskiegoX-ray absorption spectroscopy: XAS

A method for studying chemical composition, local atomic structure and oxidation state of materials, using X-ray radiation.

Experimental stations: ASTRA, DEMETER, PHELIX, PIRX

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Ikona dichroizmu magnetycznegoX-ray magnetic circular/linear dichroism: XMCD/XMLD

A method for studying magnetic properties of matter, with chemical sensitivity, based on the difference in the absorption coefficient of differently polarized X-ray radiation.

Experimental station: DEMETER, PHELIX, PIRX

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Ikona spektroskopii fotoelektronówPhotoelectron spectroscopy: PS

A method for studying the electronic structure and chemical state of materials (oxidation state, chemical bond type), using UV or X-ray radiation.

Experimental stations: URANOS, PHELIX

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Ikona metody pomocniczej spektroskopii elektronów AugeraLaboratory method: Auger electron spectroscopy: AES

A method for studying the composition of materials, based on measuring the binding energy of electrons, emitted by the excited atoms in the Auger process.

Experimental stations: DEMETER, URANOS, PHELIX, PEEM, PIRX

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Diffraction methods

Ikona metody pomocniczej dyfrakcji elektronów niskich energii Laboratory method: Low energy electron diffraction: LEED 

A method for studying crystallographic ordering of the surfaces of different materials, identification of surface reconstructions and superstructures and estimating the crystalline domain size.

Experimental stations: DEMETER, PIRX, URANOS, PHELIX

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Microscopic methods

Ikona mikroskopii fotoelektronówPhotoelectron emission microscopy: PEEM

A surface imaging method, based on the analysis of the photoelectrons emitted by the sample, with chemical and magnetic resolution.

Experimental stations: DEMETER

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Ikona kriomikroskopii elektronowejCryo - electron microscopy: CryoEM

An imaging method used primarily for solving the structure of proteins and other biomolecules without crystallization, based on their interaction with the focused electron beam.

Experimental stations: CryoEM

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Ikona skaningowej transmisyjnej mikroskopii rentgenowskiejScanning transmission x-ray microscopy: STXM

A chemically-sensitive imaging method, using X-ray radiation scanned across samples, capable of the in-situ studying of chemical reactions.

Experimental stations: DEMETR